Now that Pokemon Diamond and Pearl has been released many of you will be looking to battle and trade with people online. #PocketMonsters has live chat setup and a friends code bot to get wifi battles started. Join the chat and ask people to battle.
Download mIRC, install and run the program and you will be on your way to #PocketMonsters. Besure to change your nickname in mIRC to the nickname that you use in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl before joining the channel or registering any names on the bot.
You can register you Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl friends code in #PocketMonsters. To register friends codes on the bot:
!ds !register pmd xxxxxx yyyyyy
!ds !register pmp xxxxxx yyyyyy
(Where xxxxxx yyyyyy is the 12 digit friends code for your game, !pmd= Pokemon Diamond, !pmp = Pokemon Pearl)
You can a
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