BulbaCast's twenty-sixth episode of the season has been released. The
entire cast as well as some all new guests are back again and
discussing what's relevant in the Pocket Monsters World. We're taking
your calls, answering your questions, and talking about what really
matters to you, the Pokemon fan! BulbaCast? is a community effort
supported by Bulbagarden, PokemonPalace.net, #Pocketmonsters and others
designed to give you current and relevant information on exciting
Pokemon topics you want to know about. Look for weekly releases each
Wednesday here and on iTunes. <a
alt="Bulbacast? Season 2" align="right" border="0"></a><br
/><br />The BulbaCast? regulars assemble at 7 - 10PM EST/EDT
on Saturday evenings to talk about everything a Pokemon fan wants to
know about - new episodes, new movies, new games, current issues, new
Pokemon, and maybe even which character looks best in a bikini. And,
since it's a podcast, you can download it to your iPod using iTunes or
just listen to it on your computer.<br /><br />On top of
that, if you want to join in the discussion rather then just listen,
you can! All you need is a microphone, <a
href="http://www.skype.com/">Skype</a>, and show up in the
<a href="irc://irc.pocketmonsters.net/Bulbacast">IRC chat
(irc.pocketmonsters.net/Bulbacast)</a>, and you too can be a part
of the Bulbacast.<br /><br /><span
class="maincolor">Season 2 - Episode 26:</span> DP Japanese
Anime, the latest US anime airings, BBR reviews, and more..<br
/>Speakers for Episode 26 include:<br /><b>PPN
Steve</b> - Pokemon Palace Network, <b>Dratini927</b>
- Brinstar Depths webby and #Bulbagarden regular,
<b>Misty</b> - Bulbagarden and Smogon forums Moderator, and
<b>Satoshi-kun</b> - #Bulbagarden Admin.<br />Topics
include: Question of the week was; We have a 2 part question this week,
1. Anime Question: Pikachu? Like him still? Should he stay or go? Why?
2. Game Question: What is you favorite event based Pokemon? Explain
why.<br />...This week we have discussions on the Latest Pokemon
anime episodes, both in Japan and the USA, discuss the poor Pokemon
Battle Revolution reviews, as well as random Pokemon fan talk, and much
more...<br /><br /><b>Please note:</b> We have
a new BitTorrent tracker now dedicated only to the BulbaCast. All
torrent downloads from episode 21 on, will be on this new tracker.
Check it out at: <a href="http://bulbacast.fansub-torrents.com/"
Please adjust any prior bookmarks you may have set.<br /><br
/><span class="maincolor">Downloads:</span><br
src="http://pokemonpalace.net/pictures/bt_icon.gif" alt="Bittorrent"
border="0" height="16" width="16"> : Bulbacast Season 2 Episode
26(96kbps).mp3 </a><br /><a
src="http://pokemonpalace.net/images/iTunes_podcast.gif" border="0">
: iTunes - BulbaCast Season 2 Episode 26(96kbps) </a><br
/>Direct Download (96kbps): <a
Here</a><br />Direct Download (32kbps): <a