challenge</a> is easy. Download the image, open it up in your
favorite photo-editing software, modify the picture to make it
funny/different/whatever, then upload your image by replying to the
/><br /><a
Weekly Photoshop challenges</a> will start each Wednesday. All
images must be in by Midnight on the Wednesday that week. The winner
will get their Photo placed on the main page of Pocketmonsters.net for
all visitors to see. Voting will take place on Wednesday's as well. All
votes should be cast by 8pm EST on Wednesday's as the next weeks image
will be posted with the previous weeks winners picture.<br
/><br />Week 15 - Wednesday June 27, 2007 to Wednesday July
4th, 2007 (11:59pm EST)<br /><br />This weeks picture is
from episode 168 of the Pok�mon anime. Hook, Line and Stinker
(Japanese: Azumao! Fishing Battle!!) which was first broadcast in
Japan on October 12, 2000 and in the United States on September 29,
2001. Ash and Misty take part in Seaking Catching Day.<br
/><br />Many of you are familiar with the popular Pokemon
based meme based on Seaking. Seaking is probably the most photoshopped
Pokemon to date. So we want to see your new 'original' photoshops. For
those of you who are not familiar with the Seaking meme, you can learn
more about it on <a
This weeks winner will get their name on the Seaking trophy and the
picture displayed on Pocketmonsters.net. Good Luck!<br /><br
/>You can comment on this weeks Photoshop Challenge on our
forums.<br /><a
Forum Thread</a><br /><br
href="http://imageboard.pocketmonsters.net/vote2/">VOTE FOR WEEK
14's WINNER NOW</a></h2></center>