Setting Off! From Futaba Town to Masago Town!! is the first episode of Diamond & Pearl, and the 468th episode of the overall meta-series. It aired in Japan September 28, 2006, the same day as the Japanese release of the Nintendo DS games, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
This episode begins the journey of Hikari, a ten-year-old girl living in the Sinnoh region. On this day, she travels to Professor Nanakamado's laboratory and obtains her first Pokemon, a Pochama.
#PocketMonsters is proud to present this episode subbed in English. We are planning to release subbed episodes of the DVD's each month as they are released in Japan. So stay tuned for more releases! We are always looking for people to help out with subbing, so if you are willing to help out, visit us in our chatroom. We are currently looking for translators that would be willing to help out. We would also love to hear your comments on this release, you can leave a comment on our forums.
Torrent (H.264): Click Here (Mirror) Torrent (XviD): Release in a few days